Teaching Online Safety at Shelley First School - Project Evolve



As part of our Computing Curriculum, we use a comprehensive scheme of work to teach aspects of Online Safety explicitly throughout the year. Project Evolve is an online based scheme of work which is constantly 'evolving' to ensure the online safety messages that children and young people are being taught are delivered in a way that is more appropriate; more meaningful; that encourages reflection; that generates positive outcomes and are updating regularly to reflect the changing world. 


Online Safety content is separated into eight strands which are taught throughout the year covering everything from online relationships to copyright and ownership.


E-Safety support for parents and staff


All of these sites have activities, resources and information to help your children to stay safe online and with digital technology. 

Please note that although these sites are safe, there may be links on them that may lead away from them and to potentially undesirable sites. Please exercise care, as always.

Thinkuknow – This is the first place to look for online resources and activities to help children stay safe online.

Safety Centre - Guides on how to stay safe on the most popular platforms

Netware is a parents’ guide to the social networks children and young people use. Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today’s digital world.

Kidsmart – Childnet International’s Kidsmart website has a section for children under 11 dealing with a huge range of safety issues including file-sharing, mobile phones, social networking, digital footprints, net nasties and safe surfing.

Hector’s World is part of the Thinkuknow site and is particularly suitable for younger children

CEOP’s Thinkuknow Cybercafe for Key Stage 2 pupils. It sets out to develop a set of safe behaviours for children to use when using digital technology

CBBC Stay Safe - Safe Surfing Guide

BBC Online Safety

Bullying UK - a site for parents, teachers and children with extensive advice on how to deal with Cyber Bullying

ParentInfo - A guide to keeping your child safe on Minecraft

CyberQuoll - A site for children aged 8-12 developed by NetAlert –Australia’s Internet Safety Advisory Body

Cybersmart Kids Online – Another Australian site providing resources and information on ‘smart net surfing for kids and their grownups.’

Hectors World – NZ A site that has a lot of advice and information. It also has ‘Hector safety button’ for children to use online if they find something upsetting.

iKeepSafe is an American online safety site – the home of the Internet Keep Safe Coalition.

PhoneBrain is a website for older children and teens. It’s provided by PhonePay Plus the phone-paid service regulator) It covers four key areas – mobile, landline, TV and PC.