We are committed to making sure that our school is a safe and happy place to be.  Pupils are regularly reminded how to keep themselves safe, this maybe during lessons, assembly time or through visitors to school. All children will be taught in line with the school’s safeguarding curriculum. Everybody in school takes health and safety very seriously. If you see anything that could be improved please mention it to a member of staff.  All children in school are regularly reminded about who they can talk to if they feel worried, sad or upset.  This includes the two members of staff who are responsible for safeguarding children.


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Please follow this link to our Policies page to find our Safeguarding Policy



Our Designated Safeguarding Lead in school is Mrs McLoughlin. Mrs Westerman and Mrs Clarkson are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. 

Our Governor Mrs Abigail Seddon supports on safeguarding on our Governing body.


Mrs Liz McLoughlin

Mrs Liz McLoughlin

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Catherine Smith

Mrs Catherine Smith

Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A. Westerman

Mrs A. Westerman

Associate Senior Leader: SENCO
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Rachel Clarkson

Mrs Rachel Clarkson

Office Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

For statutory guidance concerning Keeping Children safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children please click on the relevant link. You can find out more about our school's Safeguarding Policy by following the links here

Keeping children safe in education

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In the event of a closure and you have any concerns regarding a child please find a list of support contacts for Kirklees below. 

Kirklees contacts

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If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child you should contact Mrs McLoughlin who is our Designated Safeguarding Leads. You can contact them via the school telephone 01484 604484 or email: lmcloughlin@themast.co.uk 

If Mrs McLoughlin is unavailable you should contact Mrs Westerman awesterman@themast.co.uk (currently on maternity leave until Spr 2025) or Mrs Clarkson rclarkson@themast.co.uk 

Alternatively contact Kirklees Referral and Response Service on 01484 456848

For further information about Child Safeguarding in Kirklees click on the link below:

Safeguarding Children Kirklees


Shelley First School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils. As a school we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation and terrorism is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability. 

School uses the Kirklees PREVENT Strategy. The aim of PREVENT is to safeguard and support young people and adults who may be vulnerable to radicalsation, to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

For more information on the Kirklees PREVENT Strategy please click here