At Shelley First School we use our Sports Premium Funding to ensure sporting opportunities for pupils are wide and varied.  This includes sports coaches teaching alternative sports such as Orienteering, Fencing and Archery.  We actively encourage pupils to take part in our after school programme.  Beyond this we encourage links between local sporting clubs and our pupils so they can continue to be active beyond the school day.



We are proud of our pupils' many sports achievements, both individually and as a team and we love competing in sporting events within our pyramid.  The children have the opportunity to represent their school in numerous events including, rugby, football, cricket, swimming, cross country, hockey, netball and sports hall athletics.  Pupils are given the opportunity to go on to represent their county if they are successful.



Children regularly attend Shelley College Sports Partnership events during school time and as part of enrichment.  This enables them to develop their skills and confidence across a wide variety of sports working collaboratively with pupils from other schools.  Events include multiskills, sportshall athletics and gifted and talented events.



Pupils from Y4 & Y5 are selected to take part in an annual swimming gala against other Kirklees schools.  This usually takes place in the Summer Term at Huddersfield Sports Centre.


List of annual pyramid sporting events can be found below: