During the Autumn Term of Year 5, children will receive a guidance booklet from Kirklees School Admissions.  You can apply for Middle School when your child is in Year 5 and between 1st September and 15th January. To apply online click here.

Pupils will usually be visiting Kirkburton Middle School during the Spring Term to have 'taster sessions' in various subjects.  Due to the current restrictions this will be under review in the Spring Term. A letter will be sent home beforehand, detailing which session your child will be attending. If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Charlesworth.

Transition week is planned and usually takes place in the final week of the Summer, this is an important part of the settling in process at Middle School and is important to attend. Pupils will attend the school they will be attending in September full time from Monday 15th July 2023.  Information will be sent home nearer the time but if you have any questions prior to this please speak to Mr Charlesworth, Year 5 Teacher.

  Kirkburton Middle School’s Website

  Scissett Middle School’s Website